Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Being Real For class

           Last week, Professor Simon assigned an activity. The assignment was how to manage my 24 hour time, if I had other classes or if I had to go to work. My Professor, scared me on how hard the course, ENG002, was going to be. In the beginning of my semester, I asked her, " Is taking an art history course going to be a problem?" she replied, " I don't think so, you have to talk to the teacher, you really need time and effort to pass this class." Professor Simon was right. After, talking to the teacher I was going to have, I had no chance on passing the course, because of the loads of essays, so I dropped the class. Looking back, if I wouldn't have been realistic with myself, I would of struggled and fail my two classes. Currently I have three classes, two art courses and ENGl002, I'm managing well on my studies. Being realistic to myself had gave me an impact on how much I could take in 24 hours.


  1. Wow, your taking alot of classes. Thats really about to take up alot of you time. Just manage your time wisely and you'll be fine.

  2. I agree with Alfredo you are taking a lot of classes and glad you could see you needed to drop history. What are the two art classes? is art something you are passionate about?
